- You can sign up to a website with a goal you want to achieve and with a committed time for completion. You give them your credit card details and if you do not do what you’ve said your going to do, you donate to your most hated charity! Awesome idea! A key part about it is involving a friend or ‘supervisor’, whom you know will check out that you did or did not do it, and if you haven’t, wham, there goes your cash to your most hated cause! The website: gofuckingdoit.com.
- You can sign up to other sites that are on a similar principle, again releasing your money to charity (that you like) if you don’t make your goal: stickk.com.
Or you can simply do an exchange with a friend, work colleague or family member. Both of you commit to following up with each other what you want to achieve (help each other by regularly meeting or calling in at a set time each week and seeing what steps each of you have taken towards your goal, and remember it doesn’t have to be huge steps – just something done towards it each week – it makes you feel better doing something – I promise – and inspires you to do more too!). And don’t let them (or you!) get away with it!
My third wish for all of you is to let go. There is just so much sh*%t we carry around with us. Stuff we are too afraid to acknowledge. Like that you aren’t really in love anymore. Or a pattern you continue to repeat that does not serve you, such as not stopping to listen before giving advice (to you or others). Or stuff we know about that we don’t want to do anything about. Like the job that you stay in to pay the bills that you hate. There are innumerable things you can let go of. Take some time to work out what you might want to let go of and get support from a friend or professional to help you with that.I want to share with you one of my favourite poems that I recited on one of my favourite beaches in my favourite island in the world earlier this year. This poem has moved me every time I’ve read or recited it in the past few years since discovering it in 2012 (surprisingly, it is very much older than that, but still very contemporary in its thoughts and notions). I hope you enjoy it as much as I do (and if not – the scenery is pretty beautiful! ;)).