Bravery Unleashed
Books to reclaim clarity and courage in every area of your life.
"What better time than now to read this book? The timing is impeccable! Now, at a time when we must embrace change at our deepest fundamental level, it is as though Sunni knew this time was coming and wrote a step by step guide on how to gently change our whole life for the better to become our best selves. Couldn't find a better book for these uncertain times. Hurry, get it now while you have the time to give to yourself the gift you deserve, you!"
- Amazon Reader

More Customer Reviews
Read what readers say about 'Breathing Out Brave' by Sunni Dawson.
The world needs, now more than ever, brave people. People who are willing to look at themselves and their lives just a little bit differently.' (Sunni Dawson says this in her book and how true is this in these chaotic times?! )
This book is an extremely clear and logical way of asking the right questions for developing a deeper self awareness, and a better you. I love the examples used from her personal life (and others), making it very relatable to the average person. Sunni shows that doing the self work is courageous and how doing little acts of 'bravery' can slowly change your world (and others).
What I love most about this book is the crystal clear explanation of how to work through chaotic emotional trauma. It gives you the tools to get you from one phase of the healing process to the next. She also highlights how our unconscious behaviors are the root to our problems and how working through our hurt emotional traumas can not only change our lives for the better but help others as well. She expresses deeply how/why people should sit down with their emotions, and, treat them gently.
My favorite part of the book was the 'feeling experiment'. It was so difficult (at first), but it taught me to be more centered and really connect to my inner child. If I don't value and hear these hurt parts of me, I mean, who will? I've noticed the long term effects has been self respect and self value, not just for myself but by those around me.
I love the book and it's definitely helped me on my healing journey. Thanks, Sunni!
“This book is empowering, motivational and inspiring. This book can change your life. Like an older sibling or mentor, Dawson guides readers from relatable personal experiences through the processes, tools and techniques to step out of our comfort zones, forgive ourselves, be honest, identify our values, communicate effectively and courageously chase the life we’ve always dreamed of.
Breathing Out Brave is for those who seek to build their self esteem, transform their personal and professional relationships and explore the world of adventure that awaits in their inner self."
Emily Robinson
United States
"A motivational and engaging book full of personal insights and honesty to help you on your journey to feel good about yourself, to realise that no-one is perfect and, more importantly, that no-one has to be. Everyone has at some point needed to overcome self-doubt and self-sabotaging behaviours. Sunni Dawson's eloquent and instructive new book will help you do just that.
Clearly laid out and full of fantastic guided steps to allow you to examine your own self-esteem, jettison unnecessary stresses and build emotional strength through practical easy to follow techniques. Use these well thought out techniques to gain the confidence to overcome future challenges and build a braver long term future. Highly recommended”
"In an age where we are drowning in information but thirsty for wisdom, after reading this...I've never felt so f#**ing hydrated.
Thank you, Sunni for your juicy self-help introspective vineyard of surprises.”
Steve Whittaker
'If you like Brene Brown’s work you will love this book! Sunni's insights, instruction and exercises have helped me figure out how to stop worrying, start living my best life and get to where I want to be.
It's full of guidance and insights, along with personal accounts, which makes the book engaging and relatable. It helps you learn to process emotions, make better decisions, be a more effective communicator, and generally become more confident, giving you the courage to do anything in your life - to be brave, but not perfect! A very timely read. Highly recommended!'
Amazon Reader
"Sunni Dawson has incredible insight to how genuinely better ourselves with real-life examples and applicable exercises. Her passion for helping people live the best life possible is truly contagious.
Thank you, Sunni for sharing your knowledge! I feel stronger and better equipped to face myself and those much wanted, but challenging relationships after reading 'Breathing Out Brave'. I highly recommend this book!”
Costa Rica

‘I’ve really enjoyed reading your work – the content and your writing style. It’s been incredibly inspiring and I can’t think of a better way to have gone into my new year. So thank you for that!’
- Lin L
'Some enlightening work here, it has been an eye opener for me personally too… Well constructed work… Wow, some empowering thoughts contained in the chapters! A lot to take in. I’m feeling quite inspired myself.’
- James T
"Breathing out Brave is essentially a guide on how to be brave in a world that can be incredibly perplexing and intimidating. Dawson takes the reader on her own journey towards Brave and disseminates the nuggets of wisdom that she has discerned from her experiences. You can trust that the author knows the terrain of ‘brave’ well, having travelled solo around the world for the past several years with no home base or solid income.
Breathing out Brave is full of compelling stories(many biographical), and relatable scenarios that illustrate the various circumstances in which bravery may be called upon over the course of a day, a week, or a lifetime. This book is full of practical advice and lists simple step-by-step actions to propel the individual in the direction of their dreams.
Written in a way that is both easily digestible and engaging I recommend Breathing out Brave to anyone seeking to take more control of their lives."
Shell Fleur
'Breathing Out Brave' is like having your very own personal tour guide, who is leading the way through the depths of a dark and murky jungle with a super bright flashlight. Only the dark and murky jungle is you... and your truth is where the flashlight is leading you. As you journey through the depths of self-reflection and self-realisation, Sunni navigates the way with confronting, thought-provoking and compassionate questions that strip away the things, thoughts, emotions and stuff that do not represent who you really are.
No rock is left unturned… you’ll examine your emotions and where they are stored, your communication skills and your relationships. You’ll unveil your blindspots, get to know and grow your skills, learn how to connect more deeply with others, strengthen your boundaries, create a healthy workplace and discover play that lights you up. In short, upon completing the gentle activities in this book, you’ll be living an authentic life and will be left standing in your truth. You’ll become your own trusted tour guide… with no flashlight required!
Leisa Porteous-Semple
‘Breathing Out Brave’ is a super inspiring book. It’s not a quick read (especially if you work through all the exercises in each chapter which are really insightful) but it’s a transformative one.
I related a lot to Sunni’s stories, even though we have very different lives, a lot can be learnt from her stories and processes. I feel like I will pick up this book again and again when I need to work through issues that come up for me in the future.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is wanting to change or transform any part of their lives.
Goodreads Reviewer
All my love + kindness for Sunni
Her writing is inspiring, brave + heartwarming
Never have I ever met a lady so kind, funny, gentle + strong
I will always remember her laughter, red jacket, vegan meals + homemade hummus
In Breathing Out Brave she shares insights + tips on how to live life fully, unapologetically + wholeheartedly
I highly recommend her work ♡
Sophie Indesteege
'This is a fantastic resource for anyone thinking of traveling solo! Clearly written and accessible, with a lovely humorous and down-to-earth tone. I'm sure it will inspire many women, and men, with the confidence to go on on adventure or two.'
- Amazon Reader
More Customer Reviews
Read what readers say about 'Kicking Ass on the Road - The Ultimate Guide for the Solo Woman Traveler'
I just finished reading Sunni's book of advice for the solo traveler, but especially for women going it alone. The conversational style is very appealing--I feel like I know Sunni just through the enthusiasm, humor, and wisdom that come through the winning writing style. The words don't get in the way of the content, if you know what I mean. For those of us who are compulsive proof-readers, it's well written and nicely free of typos, grammatical problems, etc.--I enjoyed reading it.
One of the things I liked about this book was the validation I felt for my own enjoyment of solo travel. (I don't know how many times I've had someone say to me some variant of "You're going alone?!? Isn't that scary/lonely/boring/etc." I've been a women traveling alone since my 30's (and I'm now 65), and I love the feelings of freedom and empowerment.
Sunni captures this perfectly, and I think a good amount will transfer to anyone reading the book who's hesitant about going it alone. In spite of having taken many trips on my own, there were still numerous tips and suggestions I found useful--always carry a card with your accommodation's address and phone number on it, gay bars can be less pressure on a woman, dealing with being 'hit on', and so on.
There are numerous bookmarks in my Kindle copy.
This is a fantastic book for the solo traveller, packed full of information and advice that will go a long way to ensuring peace of mind on one's journey. The book includes everything one needs to know about setting forth on a solo adventure - from partying safely, to purchasing travel insurance and everything in-between! The advice is practical and useful, and will assist both men and women in their travel preparations.
However the book is really geared towards empowering women to feel confident in travelling on their own and the author peppers the book with anecdotes from her own extensive travel history.
Informative and entertaining too, this really is an essential guide for the solo female traveller. Get it before you go and take some advice from a seasoned traveller who has already been there and done that. I highly recommend this book for any woman ready to discover the world!
Amazon Reader
Great advice for women AND men, solo or otherwise!
I really enjoyed the through descriptions of the preparatory work necessary to travel! I also really loved the stories Sunni shared to illustrate her point. I've also travelled as a solo woman before, and can confirm that the hollaring/ripping off is definitely very irksome (or worse)! It's great to get some tips on how to handle this - the Safety section is probably my favorite section in the book and I wish I'd know some of the stuff Sunni pointed out before my first Eurotrip.
Thanks for the sharing your optimism and practicality! Can't wait for the next book.
WOW ! I love it, I feel like the author put a lot of her heart and passion into the book. I had the sense of having an actual conversation with her!
It made me sometimes smiling, giggeling and also having some tears in the eyes because she either just hit the right spot when talking about traveling or because I was reminded of very beautiful or also sad situations...
I'm used to traveling with a minimum of prepartion. It went all well till now, but there are some pretty good points made in the book. Next time I will keep that in mind! Thanks for reading through the travel insurance paper, I never thought that far about alcohol-accidents for example...
Thank you also for your insights about going alone into a bar/club! I think that's one thing I'm still too uncomfortable to do and having read this very thoughtful written book, makes me feel more prepared... more ready !!
I really appreciate the Debriefing & Looking after you chapter! So so so important! Especially about the crying and the feeling one has, after beeing totally run over by other people (yeah, men and women), just because I am a woman and traveling alone... and young.
Traveling is just such an addictive cocktail of emotions, experiences and some disappointments and more wonders!
In short: Must-have for every female traveler !!
Amazon Reader
The ultimate guide indeed!
Even as a seasoned traveller I gained some tips for Kicking Ass on the Road. Sunni covers every topic and leaves nothing un turned, which is great for new travellers as she discusses things such as underwear, condoms, health, safety, accommodation and a whole host more! More than that Sunni offers practical tips and thoughtful advice for any women considering travelling solo - Go girls, it's totally worth it!
A must for any solo traveller
A great guide for anyone planning to travel solo! Lots of tips and practical advice as well as checklists at the end of every chapter. Well set out and easy to use as a reference book to flip to the relevant chapter. Advice given in a friendly light-hearted manner with stories from the author's experiences to illustrate points.
Miss S J Plumer
Absolutely love it.
I've met Sunni in person and I can assure you, she is kicking ass on the road. Even though I'm not a woman solo traveller, I got the book instantly, because the author is so great. Thanks for sharing your wisdom in a practical way, Sunni. Highly recommended!
"A mind opening look into the vast possibilities of travel for women who love to feel independent & free...
This book is not only for women who seek true independence, but also cultural expansion, diversity & adventure. Sunni inspires the optimism & bravery required to explore places that are sadly often left untouched by solo female travellers. This book will challenge all of your preconceived ideas about travel. It offers contemporary information on where to travel & how to travel... but most importantly... it broadens any limiting perspectives in regards to location accessibility, financial requirements & personal safety.
If your feeling stuck in life & want to break though restrictive thinking in regards to travel potentiality... if you want to make change in your life, take well planned risks & live brave... then this book is for you. It will help you to cultivate the mindset required to head out into this beautiful world of ours with confidence & pride. Not only does Sunni address the emotional aspects of travel, she also uses her master preparation & planing skills to assist you to prepare & plan like a seasoned pro.
Amazon Reader
Good tips for international solo travel!
Some good tips, it's definitely geared more towards international travel though, not a lot that pertains to domestic.
Amazon Reader: Mynameisawesome
Fantastic and entertaining guide!
This is a fantastic guide for the solo traveller. It's very well laid out, written in an engaging and entertaining way and full of great tips and entertaining personal stories. I highly recommend it.
Amazon Reader