Self love is not buying yourself flowers.
‘I know I need to love myself more.’ But what does that actually mean? To love oneself? I’m always fascinated when my clients or friends say this. But what does it actually mean?
1/18/20252 min read
‘I know I need to love myself more.’ But what does that actually mean? To love oneself?
I’m always fascinated when my clients or friends say this. But what does it actually mean?
You can buy yourself flowers. Sure.
You can get a massage. Sure.
You can buy that new coat. Sure.
These are all nice things to do for oneself. And we label this as‘self-love’ and/or‘self-care. Almost like a tick-a-box to do list. In doing any (or all) of these things you may feel a sense of achievement, or joy or relaxation. Or you may not.
And how long do these feelings last? A day? A minute? .25 seconds perhaps?
If self love is not these things, what is it?
I think to love oneself fully is to prioritise your truest most authentic needs.
That means you need to discover what your most authentic needs are (and we both know true needs are not found in possessions or a 60 minute massage, no matter how good it may be ;).
Most people’s (I dare to say all peoples’) needs include being seen & heard (by ourselves and others), feeling love, joy and contentment, feeling a sense of belonging to community / family / the world (which includes contributing to community / family / the world in some way that is meaningful for them).
The problem is, we are not taught to seek this out from childhood. We are taught to seek outside possessions or things or people to fill us up. And we are told that buying ourselves flowers is enough self love. We then believe this is enough, and yet when something life changing happens, we realise it just might not be.
If that doorcrack opens to us, it can be overwhelming. It’s unsettling to discover all that you are taught or fed may not actually make you happy.
Some people call it a mid life crisis, or a quarter life crisis, or a just a crisis when it comes.
So what can you do to find your truest most authentic needs? There are many ways.
I think one of the first steps is to discover who you are without possessions, without a career, without the things you say you are.
If you weren’t any of the labels you have used in the past, who are you? What does s/he/they like in terms of play, having fun, relaxing? What does s/he/they like to do?
This questions begins the self love journey.
Want more? I offer self-love coaching packages to guide you to your most authentic self.
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