Starting from Zero.
3/11/20153 min read
Starting from zero.
I had a conversation recently with a mid thirties man who had moved countries and was thinking of moving countries again. He expressed to me his sadness and concern about having to ‘start from zero’ again when he does this.
Zero meaning finding and fitting into new communities, finding employment, a home and then working towards owning something at a much later stage than he would like.
It's an interesting concept zero. It implies nothingness. Having nothing from which to attempt to start something.
I’ve started from zero a few times this past year. Well, to be correct, it's been more than a few times. I’ve moved cities, homes, jobs, countries, types of work, diets and friend circles.
I could not have predicted all the changes that I would experience in 2014. Some were intensely challenging, some intensely draining, some intensely fun, some intensely motivating, inspiring and some intensely connecting.
I have learnt more about myself, my friends and family. I have learnt more about about my abilities to adapt to continual change (even continual dramatic change). I’ve had so much fun progressing my work skills in new and interesting ways. I’ve expanded ideas.
I’ve gambled and taken risks. A lot of them.
One of the biggest was packing up a life in a fabulous new city to live in a remote island in the Gulf of Thailand to write. I have no idea of the outcomes of this adventure. I haven’t had anything published before. I haven’t taken any writing courses.
Yet a huge cheeky smile creeps onto my face when I think of what I’m doing here. I’m expanding my skills, having super amounts of fun and challenging myself in so many other ways.
When I really think about it, I am not, and have never started from zero at all. I have me and all my life experiences, education and laughter.
Life experiences = at least 10 points.
Education = at least 5 points.
Laughter, well at least 2.
And let us not forget the points for friends and family even if they are far away.
I am lucky. I have an education that many others around the world don’t have. I am fortunate to have been born in a lucky country. A very lucky country with mostly free health care, accessible education, fresh air, good housing options, generous amounts of food and nutrition. I have had some great work opportunities that have increased my confidence and skills.
I understand that many around the world don’t have these same opportunities and may in fact feel like they are starting at minus 5 or minus 10 or 30.
But most people have themselves and could give themselves a few points or more for a couple of things (whether it be family, friends, great cooking skills, business sense, capacity to learn or laugh). I understand why people may not give themselves any points.
I may have given myself minus zero points earlier on in my life. That is another story.
Why I love zero
But let me tell you why I love zero.
Starting from zero helps a person question their own expectations, societal and family expectations, privilege and allows so much potential for other life options and ideas to arise. For example, who told me that I should be doing a certain thing at a particular time in my life? Is it useful for me to follow the elusive, ever changing views of a particular person, group or society?
And others, such as what skills do I currently have that I could use to go and do what I want to do? What old ideas, concepts or things can I now put behind me, so I can move forward more easily?
Zero is freeing. Completely freeing.
And zero is a circle. A big open circle that can be expanded, stretched and filled.
I want to fill in my zeros this year with many more learnings, love, joy, friendship, tasty delights, planet shifting ideas and loads and loads of belly induced laughter.
Because there is nothing to fear in zero. Zero is just a place to start anew (but with the knowledge and learning you already have).
What do you want to fill your zeros with this coming year?